About Rachinger Gallery
Eastern Hub Community Centre is home to Rachinger Gallery, a vibrant, contemporary art space located in East Geelong. Rachinger Gallery features a changing program of exhibitions by artists both emerging and established, arts groups, schools and artists living with disability. Named after Norman Rachinger, former Karingal President and art teacher, the gallery is an inclusive and welcoming space that promotes new work and new ways of seeing the world.
The Rachinger complements the creative work of Eastern Hub’s Art Studio while showcasing the depth and diversity of the visual arts in Geelong.
Exhibiting in the gallery is through an Expression of Interest. Please call 5249 6100 for more information.
Current Exhibitions
Koorlanga at H-Art
July 1 – August 25
Celebrating NAIDOC week (2 – 9 July), we are proud to present an exhibition of culturally accurate dolls and other artworks by Noongar yorga (woman) Amber Thorne.
Michelle Eaton
July 18 – August 25
Michelle’s artworks are inspired by nature and depict the coastlines of where she used to live on Victoria’s Surfcoast. A self-taught artist, Michelle has been painting for 40 years. She has always worked with oils on canvas as the colours are truer to nature, and it is also easy to create your own colours. When Michelle was younger, she travelled and tried many different jobs. She began painting on envelopes, and gradually her hobby progressed to full canvases. Michelle has had exhibitions in Mallacoota, Williamstown, Castlemaine, Surf Coast Shire and New Zealand.
Gallery hours 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Mon to Fri, 9:00am – 2:30pm Sat. Closed Sundays
Gallery sales 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Mon to Fri
We hope you enjoy the exhibitions!
Upcoming Exhibition
From The Earth – Belmont AWAY Group Art Competition
August 28 – September 25 Launch Friday, September 1 at 6:00pm
A local art group, Belmontaway, is organising an art exhibition in our Rachinger Gallery. They chose the theme “From the Earth,” which will be explored through painting, printing, photography and sculpture. Belmontaway believe that nature is the wellspring of our creativity and well-being and can be celebrated using many different artforms.
Three members of the art group, Gale Jarmyn, Jan Rockliff and Gabrielle Bridges are paying tribute to this theme with paintings, prints and photocollages, and they have invited a sculptor, Jacinta Leitch, to exhibit some of her work, and a photographer, Sheryle Griffiths to display her photographs of nature. Belmontaway are delighted to also include a wide variety of artworks in different media from residents in the Geelong region.
Belmontaway are very grateful to the Rachinger Gallery and Eastern Hub for making their space available for this exhibition and hope it gives people a greater sense of connection to nature and appreciation of how many different artistic approaches can showcase one central theme.
All welcome, but RSVPS essential by Friday 25th August. Reply via this link: https://tinyurl.com/yv6ups84

L to R: Gale Jarmyn – Leaves in the Sunlight, Jacinta Leitch – Peekaboo, Gabrielle Bridges – Casuarina Constellation, Sheryle Griffiths – Pink Lotus.

Past Exhibitions

Featured artwork in header image:
Scandinavian Landscape — Elvira Juraga
Painting from Flowerscapes — Faye M Tsatsakis
Sweet Sunday — Kat Marcius
Piano Bar — David Fielding
Portrait – Thalia Perry
Painting from Unity of Arts — Vicky Lloyd
Rachinger Gallery YouTube